All orders are fulfilled from our central warehouse located in Uttarakhand. Shipments will be dispatched to the provided shipping address at the time of checkout. Orders are typically processed and shipped within 48 Hours.
Shipping and handling rates may vary depending on factors such as the product type, dimensions, packaging, and the destination address. Shipping charges will be clearly specified during the product confirmation process.
Once your order is processed and dispatched, you can track it using the assigned consignment or tracking number on the courier company's website. We will email you the tracking number and details of the shipping agency as soon as your order is shipped.
Our delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package two times before they return it to us. Please provide the complete & accurate shipping address including zip code and a mobile number. This will help us in delivering your order faster.
We accept all major debit and credit cards, UPI and net banking for shipments within India. CCavenue serves as our third-party payment gateway.
Cash on Delivery (COD) is available on all orders with maximum limit of INR 29,999.
In unforeseen circumstances, such as emergencies/ strikes etc, there might be delays in shipments. All policies are subject to change without prior notice.
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